Budget too tight to replace or professionally repair broken or tattered items? Here’s are potential solutions to fix the problem while being kind to your wallet and the environment.
Image by Yao Charlen from Pixabay
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The Practical Sort shares handy tips for helping make your life a little easier. Share your ideas with sherri@thepracticalsort.com. If your tip is chosen, you may be selected for a 10-minute phone consultation to help you sort any areas that are driving you crazy.
Budget too tight to replace or professionally repair broken or tattered items? Here’s are potential solutions to fix the problem while being kind to your wallet and the environment.
Image by Yao Charlen from Pixabay
Read moreYoung or old. Experienced or starting out on your own...Use this week’s kitchen tip to reduce time spent scrubbing cookware and less energy expenditure.
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Although we finished the 8-Week “Knock it Out” Challenge, technically we’re not done. What’s up with that? What needs to happen now? Read on to find out how to ensure that all your efforts aren’t for naught.
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Portland, OR 97225