You are stopped cold in traffic. Your pulse starts racing. Your knuckles are whitening. You have so much to do. Places you have to be. None of that matters because bottom line: you are stuck.
We all know that helpless and frustrating feeling.
Many of us experience the same tension when we look around our homes. There is so much to do and scads of stuff to attend to. You feel like you are trapped in the endless line of vehicles miles from the nearest exit. You are literally immobilized.
Where to begin? How can I do it all? What if I don't do it right? I have no time! Perhaps it is easier to do nothing at all which eventually compounds the overwhelm.
Here are 3 warning signs that you might be stuck when it comes to managing your home life.
1. Embarrassment or unease when you walk into your home.
Doors are kept closed so you don't have to see the mess.
Shameful feelings when guests stop by.
2. Late payment fees.
Bills are often misplaced so you forget to pay them.
3. To-Do Lists are Endless, Calendars Are Saturated
You don't know if you are coming and going.
Taking that first step to gaining control is inconceivable.
Virtually nothing gets done.
Does this sounds familiar? The consequences...worry, criticism, concern, and frustration drain your energy and impair your ability to see clearly and identify solutions. If you don't know where or how to begin and the whole process seems way too overwhelming, I'd love to share this simple trick with you.
I have broken down typical household tasks into bite-sized chunks and they are downloadable by clicking here.
I recommend to my clients to find 2 baskets or jars. Cut these rectangles out and place them into one basket. Whenever you have time, pull one out. If that chore or errand needs to be done, do it. If not place it in basket #2, then choose another slip. Place finished rectangles in basket #2. Start with basket #2 when #1 is empty.
A few blanks are included for you to customize.
Each task is quick and dirty. They will build your confidence in moving forward while serving instant gratification cravings. Knock out a few by waking up 15 minutes early. No more uncertainty about what to do when you finally have a few extra minutes.
Want to move forward with simplifying your life? Click Here For Help to Take Action Today!