That's the number of "friends" in my personal Facebook contact list. Or at least it was. As I scrolled through the names and faces a few days ago, I realized that it felt like a closet filled with clothes that no longer fit, match my style, or, and this is going to sound really cold, I have no use for.
There were periods of my life that I don't need to hold on to or wish to remember. Some of those "friends" were barely acquaintances from that period. Goodbye.
Nurture the relationships that mean something to you. Nurture your space by saying goodbye to the rest.
Various connections were made that were so loose at the time a request was sent or received and haven't blossomed since. No likes, no comments, no messages through the years. Goodbye.
Personal info is revealed through photos and posts. Do I care to share with those not part of my family or social circle? There is too much information readily available for nefarious purposes without me hand-feeding more. So no, not really. Goodbye.
I haven't taken time for a Facebook clear out in years. Sadly folks for whom I have very fond memories have passed on. I hadn't thought about letting them go on social media. Now, I bid them a peaceful adieu and gratitude for gracing my existence. Goodbye.
As I work on my tolerance levels, to be more considerate of extreme positions that fly in the face of what lies in my heart, soul, and head, I've also realized that some of those differences would hardly be the foundation upon which to ever build a strong relationship in the future. So like a pair of pants that no longer zip because they're way too snug, and frankly never looked all that great either. Goodbye.
Nurture the relationships that mean something to you. Nurture your space by saying goodbye to the rest. Like parting with something that has been hanging around well after it's use-by date that takes up space beyond our notice, pressing delete is tougher than I anticipated. Some of them have been there for years. Nevertheless, I'm hanging tough and persevering.
“Nurture the relationships that mean something to you. Nurture your space by saying goodbye to the rest.”
After a quick pass through, like the first time you tackle a shelving unit filled with old textbooks, magazines, and novels that you'll likely never read again, I made a dent. It feels good to make a dent. Those shelves still hold the children's books that I rocked my kids to sleep with, the school yearbooks, and favorite novels, those can sit for another day or even a few years until I'm ready for them. My Facebook friends’ list still holds faces that made the first pass. They’ll remain until I feel ready to repeat this exercise. Then who knows?
For now, my back and knees don't hurt from heavy lifting. I didn't inhale loads of dust and mold particles. This minimizing project was fairly effortless although there was a twinge of uneasiness as I let some of the profiles go. If the relationship is worth rekindling, the match can be relit. Until then, I have to say that was one of the easiest weight losses I've ever tackled. And, I plan to keep the weight off allowing only those into my space who bring joy or meaning in any way I choose to define. Feel free to do likewise.
Give it a try the next time you log on. Maybe set a goal of 3-5 people unless every single face has a place in your heart. Of course, the criteria would have been very different if this was my professional page. It's not. This is the page I want reserved for my peeps, those who lift me up so I don't feel dragged down. I love that I feel lighter in this moment. Goodbye old acquaintances. Unless they're notified about the sever, I don't imagine my photo or placeholder in their friend's list will be missed.