There’s A Hole in My Strudel

Watch out for holes. The ones that are hard to see until it’s too late. The ones that deepen and devastate. The ones, when addressed, make your life more simple, much richer. Learn how to spot and manage life’s holes so you don’t crater out.

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Clutter’s a Battlefield

Our homes and lifestyles can drive us to the cliff, but are there ways to pave the road for smoother transit and create a detour away from the cliff? Here are some ideas to get you started and keep the motor purring to conquer household chores and clutter.

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ABCs to Crush Housework

Why can't creating systems to get organized be as easy as learning the ABCs? In this month's blog, I introduce some foundational tools, the organizing ABCs, to boost routines and habits that enable sailing through your daily to-dos to help you take clearer and faster action.

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