If you’re feeling like your ever-growing list of symptoms are a virtual game of “whack-a-mole”, and answers to why this is happening or next steps for relief, consider the information in this month’s blog. The more robust your toolkit, the more prepared you will be for conversations with your healthcare team. The more likely you’ll have options for paths forward. The more able you’ll be to get on with your daily life.
Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay
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Although we took a holiday-inspired joy respite from this chronic condition blog series during December 2024, that doesn’t mean that physical and/or emotional pain went on hiatus as well. This month, I resume the series as we take another step further into the connection between the mind, the body, the symptoms, the triggers and how our personality traits could be playing a role in how we feel physically and emotionally. What are those traits? Are they flaws in our character or assets that can go a bit haywire? How can you use this information to help on your healing journey? Read on.
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay
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When we compartmentalize parts of the body, symptoms, syndrome, pain, we could miss the bigger picture. What’s really going on? Where do the remedies actually need to be applied? And what applications will work most effectively to restore full and more rapid recovery? Continue along with this blog series addressing chronic conditions so that you can get back on your game with less stress, less debilitation.
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How do you understand the butterflies, fast heartbeat, sweating, and pain? How do you interpret what your body is expressing when it's in distress? How do you read the signs in order to keep moving forward? First we need to figure out what it’s saying and why? How? Read on.
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After delays for multiple reasons, this month I introduce a new blog series on chronic conditions. As we ease into a very complex topic, let's start by playing detective. What's your body trying to tell you? And what could be the reason? Through the lens of 3 stories, we begin to unravel symbolic connections. Here we go.
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
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Too many competing thoughts and an overload of distractions can lead to mind-numbing confusion and stress-induced ailments. These situations happen when we're not the best equipped to handle the input deluge. For those with adult ADHD traits, the situations become more complex. What are some methods to compete with competing thoughts? Here are some typical circumstances and ideas for moving forward from my own experiences.
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When we live in the noise, physical noise, mental and emotional noise, the hurdles are enormously distracting and potentially debilitating. The higher the volume, the more problematic. How do you get back on track?How do you change the dials to modulate the volume settings for a less painful experience? This month’s blog provides a start, the very beginning of a series sorting through chronic impediments to progress.
Image by Moondance from Pixabay
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If I could make magic happen, I would give you, give myself, give anyone who needs it, one particular gift. It’s powerful, constructive, easy and at the same time oh so hard to manage. What is it? Why am I struggling to use it? How could it change our productivity, our spaces, our lives? Read on.
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If you’ve ever felt like the universe changed direction, and you no longer felt like you knew which way is forward. Paths are blocked. One glitch after another impedes forward motion. I feel your pain. Lessons are being learned. Read on to see how to pivot when unanticipated change reorients your day.
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No doubt, it’s easier to cut and run. Sticking with it requires work, patience, and sometimes financial investment. I’ve wanted to bolt more times than I can count. I’m certain my clients have as well. What are the chances of achieving the desired outcome when you hightail it too soon? What success is within your reach if you give it one more try?
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When something is broken, it most likely won’t get fixed unless we acknowledge it’s not working. When it’s our own stuff, unhelpful emotions might block progress. What can we do to move forward when it’s painful? Here are a few ideas.
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I have a self-diagnosed case of Senioritis, you may recall that from your last school year. It could also be post-pandemic malaise. Or a combination of both. Here’s what’s happening and how I’m addressing the symptoms. That might help you too if your struggling to get through each day with the same vigor of yesteryear.
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Too many things going on at once? Not sure if you’re coming, going or losing your mind? Is multi-tasking really working for you? What's the harm in doing multiple activities simultaneously? Learn what the experts have to say and ways to manage multi-tasking to work more effectively for you.
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My grandmother’s legacy showed up in an unlikely place at an unfortunate time, but her wisdom lives on.
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The best gift you can give yourself this and every holiday season is taking care of you. No one else will benefit from what you bring to the table if you can’t. Watch for signs that you or someone in your circles may need an SOS so that you all can benefit from joyful cheer this season and into 2023.
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Is there room in your heart this Thanksgiving to thank the one person in your life that might need it the most? The one person who may rarely receive the recognition they deserve? The one person you may have overlooked for too many years? Who is that one person? Let me be the first to thank them.
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Are you dealing with someone who is lazy? What's going on? Why can't they just do what they're supposed to do when they're supposed to do it? Maybe that someone is you. What I chalked up to laziness for years, wasn't laziness at all. I totally missed the mark. See if you're missing the mark too.
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Leading one life is complex enough. Can you imagine leading 2? Or more? Stepping into the role of running someone else’s life is bound to turn yours upside down. How do you manage time to get it all done? How do you keep it all together? After nearly 2 months of leading a double life, here are some initial thoughts.
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If you’ve been feeling a bit off or way off, give this month’s blog a read. You might just find the light you need to get you up, move you forward, and alleviate feelings of SAD.
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Change is coming. What will it be like? How will we navigate it? Get ready to bid 2021 goodbye, and open your door to 2022. Here are a few ideas how to wrap up what you’re leaving behind and greet what’s ahead. Happy holidays from The Practical Sort.
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