If you’re feeling like your ever-growing list of symptoms are a virtual game of “whack-a-mole”, and answers to why this is happening or next steps for relief, consider the information in this month’s blog. The more robust your toolkit, the more prepared you will be for conversations with your healthcare team. The more likely you’ll have options for paths forward. The more able you’ll be to get on with your daily life.
Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay
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Although we took a holiday-inspired joy respite from this chronic condition blog series during December 2024, that doesn’t mean that physical and/or emotional pain went on hiatus as well. This month, I resume the series as we take another step further into the connection between the mind, the body, the symptoms, the triggers and how our personality traits could be playing a role in how we feel physically and emotionally. What are those traits? Are they flaws in our character or assets that can go a bit haywire? How can you use this information to help on your healing journey? Read on.
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay
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When we compartmentalize parts of the body, symptoms, syndrome, pain, we could miss the bigger picture. What’s really going on? Where do the remedies actually need to be applied? And what applications will work most effectively to restore full and more rapid recovery? Continue along with this blog series addressing chronic conditions so that you can get back on your game with less stress, less debilitation.
Image by vat loai from Pixabay
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After delays for multiple reasons, this month I introduce a new blog series on chronic conditions. As we ease into a very complex topic, let's start by playing detective. What's your body trying to tell you? And what could be the reason? Through the lens of 3 stories, we begin to unravel symbolic connections. Here we go.
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
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