If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another—The Case of Symptom Migration

If you’re feeling like your ever-growing list of symptoms are a virtual game of “whack-a-mole”, and answers to why this is happening or next steps for relief, consider the information in this month’s blog. The more robust your toolkit, the more prepared you will be for conversations with your healthcare team. The more likely you’ll have options for paths forward. The more able you’ll be to get on with your daily life.

Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay

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Are Chronic Symptoms a Character Flaw? When Your Traits Feel Like Betrayals

Although we took a holiday-inspired joy respite from this chronic condition blog series during December 2024, that doesn’t mean that physical and/or emotional pain went on hiatus as well. This month, I resume the series as we take another step further into the connection between the mind, the body, the symptoms, the triggers and how our personality traits could be playing a role in how we feel physically and emotionally. What are those traits? Are they flaws in our character or assets that can go a bit haywire? How can you use this information to help on your healing journey? Read on.

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

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What's My Body Telling Me?

How do you understand the butterflies, fast heartbeat, sweating, and pain? How do you interpret what your body is expressing when it's in distress? How do you read the signs in order to keep moving forward? First we need to figure out what it’s saying and why? How? Read on.

Image by unknownuserpanama from Pixabay

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Emotional Experiences & Symbolic Expressions

After delays for multiple reasons, this month I introduce a new blog series on chronic conditions. As we ease into a very complex topic, let's start by playing detective. What's your body trying to tell you? And what could be the reason? Through the lens of 3 stories, we begin to unravel symbolic connections. Here we go.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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Competing With Competing Thoughts

Too many competing thoughts and an overload of distractions can lead to mind-numbing confusion and stress-induced ailments. These situations happen when we're not the best equipped to handle the input deluge. For those with adult ADHD traits, the situations become more complex. What are some methods to compete with competing thoughts? Here are some typical circumstances and ideas for moving forward from my own experiences.

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Rooting Out Organizing Kinks

If organizing woes happen over and over, and they’re getting you down, find the source. The reasons for strewn items, excess laundry piles, too much clutter may be obvious and easily dealt with. Then again, maybe not. It may take sleuthing to uncover the actual causes so that you can take remedial actions. Let’s begin that journey here and now.

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Chronic Disorganization, Mousetrap, & The Rube Goldberg Effect

Working your way out of chronic disorganization could look like Hasbro’s game of Mousetrap. Your efforts plagued by the Rube Goldberg Effect. What do you do? How do you satisfactorily conquer each of the steps along the way to achieve success? Read on.

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Where’s Forward When the Universe Pivots?

If you’ve ever felt like the universe changed direction, and you no longer felt like you knew which way is forward. Paths are blocked. One glitch after another impedes forward motion. I feel your pain. Lessons are being learned. Read on to see how to pivot when unanticipated change reorients your day.

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When Monday Falls on Wednesday (And Other Silly Circumstances)

Routine disruptions as a result of mid-week holidays, vacations, time zone differences, and similar situations can throw us off mentally, physically, personally and professionally. Here are some of the challenges I faced during the 4th of July holiday week and how I got back on course when my Monday began on Wednesday.

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Temper The Perils of Visual Overload

Our vision is one of our most influential senses. It enables us to experience beauty and pleasure. There’s also a darker side to what we see and how that impacts our emotional state. Many times that unpleasantness happens within or just outside of our own homes. What measures can we take to avoid visual overwhelm or take it down a few notches in the midst of hyper-stimulation? Here are some ideas.

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We Don’t Have a Handbook for This

I have a self-diagnosed case of Senioritis, you may recall that from your last school year. It could also be post-pandemic malaise. Or a combination of both. Here’s what’s happening and how I’m addressing the symptoms. That might help you too if your struggling to get through each day with the same vigor of yesteryear.

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The Inside Scoop on Multi-tasking: Does it Hurt or Help You?

Too many things going on at once?  Not sure if you’re coming, going or losing your mind? Is multi-tasking really working for you?  What's the harm in doing multiple activities simultaneously?  Learn what the experts have to say and ways to manage multi-tasking to work more effectively for you.

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I Was So Wrong About Laziness…Mostly

Are you dealing with someone who is lazy? What's going on? Why can't they just do what they're supposed to do when they're supposed to do it? Maybe that someone is you. What I chalked up to laziness for years, wasn't laziness at all. I totally missed the mark. See if you're missing the mark too.

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3 Little Words

Words have incredible power. In a split second, the can uplift or devastate. They can also be a catalyst for change. What 3 little words caused a dramatic shift in perspective and action? It’s all in here.

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Avoiding Chat Distractions for A Distractible Brain

How the heck does anyone maintain focus with all that going on? And whoever thought the chat button was a good idea? In this month's blog, I explore the advantages and disadvantages of the Chat video conferencing tool for the distractible brain and offer 7 steps to manage chat to maintain focus without FOMO.

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