Avoiding Chat Distractions for A Distractible Brain

How the heck does anyone maintain focus with all that going on? And whoever thought the chat button was a good idea? In this month's blog, I explore the advantages and disadvantages of the Chat video conferencing tool for the distractible brain and offer 7 steps to manage chat to maintain focus without FOMO.

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The Imposter's Journey

Are you afraid of being “found out”? If you struggle with ADHD or other giftedness, appreciating your strengths isn’t always easy, but you should never be afraid of being you. The Practical Sort clears through the clutter of Imposter Syndrome to find the real us buried beneath.

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Become Your #1 Fan in 2020: The Greatest Gift For Yourself This Season

The greatest gift we can give ourselves is free, organic, and much needed. Where do we get it? Intuitive Empowerment Coach Sam Salenger knows, and she is gifting it to you.

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ABCs to Crush Housework

Why can't creating systems to get organized be as easy as learning the ABCs? In this month's blog, I introduce some foundational tools, the organizing ABCs, to boost routines and habits that enable sailing through your daily to-dos to help you take clearer and faster action.

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Future Planning: Watch Out for Curve Balls!

You’re young, healthy, immersed in the day to day when life smacks you upside the head.  Are you ready? Before tackling the next item on your to-do list, be sure to read this blog. It may be the most important thing you do today. Estate planning is so much more than wills and trusts. These crucial documents will help you, your family, your parents be ready for life’s curve balls.

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Gift Yourself Play Time: You Deserve Fun & Games

Silliness is not so silly. Allowing ourselves time to play and have fun are integral for our overall well-being. If you are having second thoughts about gaming gifts or taking time out to explore your inner child, think again. The benefits are innumerable.

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