How the heck does anyone maintain focus with all that going on? And whoever thought the chat button was a good idea? In this month's blog, I explore the advantages and disadvantages of the Chat video conferencing tool for the distractible brain and offer 7 steps to manage chat to maintain focus without FOMO.
Read moreSuccess Is In Your Hands
Our definitions of success are likely not the same. This is your life. You get to decide what success looks and feels like. Then go for it and don’t look back.
Read moreTime to Manage Your Time Management?
Does time manage you? A long history of lessons has taught me that overextending myself is hazardous. I don’t recommend it. Here are some alternatives to manage your time (wisely).
Read moreGet The Shift
Sometimes a life based on strict discipline can benefit from a strategic shift to another mode of operation. Namely one inspired by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Read moreConfessions from a Recovering Perfectionist
Change is never easy. The more gray hairs we’ve earned, the harder it is to alter deeply ingrained behavior patterns. Changing perfectionista tendencies is definitely not easy. Awareness and desire are the first steps to new evolution. How is this perfectionista tuning in to evolving? Find out in this month’s blog.
Read moreAdults Don’t Need Permission…Do They?
Adults mainly have freewill, it’s one of the perks of being an adult. Then why do we need permission to take action when it comes to our own stuff? Good question. Let’s take a look.
Read moreThe Imposter's Journey
Are you afraid of being “found out”? If you struggle with ADHD or other giftedness, appreciating your strengths isn’t always easy, but you should never be afraid of being you. The Practical Sort clears through the clutter of Imposter Syndrome to find the real us buried beneath.
Read moreThe Exhale Metaphor
Inhaling and exhaling, the intake and outflow of our source of life. What’s that have to do with organizing? Aside from relaxing or invigorating you for well resourced task completion, it's also a perfect metaphor.
Read moreBacksliding--It's Not an 80's Dance Step
How do you handle backsliding? Snags along the way are just unexpected detours. Let’s get back on track.
Read moreBecome Your #1 Fan in 2020: The Greatest Gift For Yourself This Season
The greatest gift we can give ourselves is free, organic, and much needed. Where do we get it? Intuitive Empowerment Coach Sam Salenger knows, and she is gifting it to you.
Read moreABCs to Crush Housework
Why can't creating systems to get organized be as easy as learning the ABCs? In this month's blog, I introduce some foundational tools, the organizing ABCs, to boost routines and habits that enable sailing through your daily to-dos to help you take clearer and faster action.
Read moreFuture Planning: Watch Out for Curve Balls!
You’re young, healthy, immersed in the day to day when life smacks you upside the head. Are you ready? Before tackling the next item on your to-do list, be sure to read this blog. It may be the most important thing you do today. Estate planning is so much more than wills and trusts. These crucial documents will help you, your family, your parents be ready for life’s curve balls.
Read moreTake My Compliment...Please
Criticism is often embraced like the gospel truth, eating away at our confidence and self-worth. Yet why is it hard for some of us to accept compliments? Do you cringe or deflect praise? Or do you lap it up? What’s all this got to do with organizing.? Read on.
Read moreWHAT IF?
Feeling weighed down by your thoughts? What if you flipped the switch? Find out how to go from negative scenarios to a more energized, pleasant outlook with a simple thought reversal.
Read moreA New Year, A New You...Let Go of Head Trash in 2019
Are you caught in a cycle of undesired head trash? Weighty thoughts that claim valuable real estate in your head. Learn to clear away head trash and declutter home spaces with guidance from The Practical Sort's Sherri Curley and Cindy Gunraj of Stillness Blooms. Say good riddance to head trash in 2019.
Read moreGift Yourself Play Time: You Deserve Fun & Games
Silliness is not so silly. Allowing ourselves time to play and have fun are integral for our overall well-being. If you are having second thoughts about gaming gifts or taking time out to explore your inner child, think again. The benefits are innumerable.
Read moreWrite to Unclutter Your Brain
Universally clutter begins in one location, the brain. The causes vary, the outcomes are typically the same. If clutter begins in the brain what can we do sort it out. Here is one option to shed the sh*t that could be weighing you down. Read on...
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