Competing With Competing Thoughts

Too many competing thoughts and an overload of distractions can lead to mind-numbing confusion and stress-induced ailments. These situations happen when we're not the best equipped to handle the input deluge. For those with adult ADHD traits, the situations become more complex. What are some methods to compete with competing thoughts? Here are some typical circumstances and ideas for moving forward from my own experiences.

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Are You and Your Brain Seeing Eye to Eye?

Yuck, there are zillions of items on your to do list. How will you ever keep track of them all? Will you ever get yourself motivated to accomplish at least 1-2 of them? Does thinking about all you need to do make your head spin? Or maybe you feel like you got this, no problem. Learn to use the strengths of your brain type and your sensory preferences to summon the mojo to get moving and stay on track. Check out this month’s blog and personality assessments to get the most out of your abilities and rip through .

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